Course Guide

Course Guide Education.
Mass Online Open Courseware.
May 24, 2023, 2:38 p.m.
team lead
Godfred Asibu Franklyn.
Course Guide Education exists as an online education platform that provides the avenue for students to identify their preferred courses and subjects and connect with their respective tutors. It is an independent body and thus, does not affiliate with any conventional institution. As a platform, it allows prospective tutors to release their subjects and courses and market them for students who need assistance or those who need new career path and certifies the students who have taken any course or combination of courses. We provide a comprehensive tutorial on education materials made up of prerecorded lessons on sale through a website platform.


The era of geographical disposition has had a toll on commuting for a purpose. But technology has become the savior. The world has been shut down before and so was education. We may as well anticipate a more dreadful one. However, with the introduction of the internet, educational services could be rendered at a click of a button. The challenge we face as a world is unlimited, with regards to education.
  • Create a platform where students can submit their assignment.
  • Students must be able to interact with their profile and update them.
  • Institutions must be able to list their courses and receive applications through it.

Solution &

Education goes beyond the confines of a school or an institution. Thus, seeking to ride on the beauty and the effectiveness of technology which has brought about the internet has also made it easier to access wide range of services at all levels of life including education. Previously, one had to commute to a place far from home to access a preferred educational material and knowledge and when there is a cut on human interactions, education is cut off.
Client dashboard to manage their data.
Quick SMS/WhatsApp alert to clients and admins.
Data abstraction to separate clients and admin views.
User friendly interface.

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